Cessation Tips

Try out a box. And try another. Make your own…


Chewing gum and mints can keep your mouth busy when you have cravings

Keep a journal about your cravings an what triggers them

Establish trusting, support system of people; share your cessation plan

Play with a pet; listen to music; hug a friend

Delete your old text messages or update your phone’s address book.

Change your shirt or shoes. A small act can reset your brain!

Wash and/or vacuum your car

Peel an orange. Eating it is optional

Play a quick old-school computer game. Solitaire. Minesweeper. Pong!

Go for a drive and listen to music or a podcast.

Make a to-do list.

Do some primping in the mirror. Make yourself look good!


Brush and floss your teeth.

Go through your camera roll.

Reorganize closet or pantry.

Get yourself a treat. A snack. A book. A little sumptin’ for yo’self.

Put your hands in a bowl of cold water. Just try it, it works. 

Wash dishes. Do laundry. All with music.

Talk to an animal. 

Go for a bike ride.

Volunteer in your town. Call a local group and ask how you can help.

Research something. Maybe your dream vacation spot!

Brush your teeth. Make everything taste horrible!

Cessation Tips

What Are You Really Craving?
Based on 802 Quits: Practice the 4D’s:
Take a DEEP breath
DRINK a glass of water
DO something else
DELAY for 10 minutes)

WW = worksite wellness applicable


(tips related to nutrition, oral fixation, etc.) 

Keep your mouth busy

Chewing gum, mints, flavored toothpicks.


Drink water, herbal teas and homemade juices.

Fruits & Veg.

Eating extra fruits and vegetables high in calcium and vitamin C and D.


Stocking up with healthy snacks to help manage increased hunger.  



Slowly Eat smaller portions, eat protein, avoid processed food.

DEEP (tips related to mental health, social connectedness, etc.)


Establish support system of family and/or friends and share your cessation plan


Consider social contexts and relationships that may act as triggers 


Learn how to soothe oneself when feelings of anxiousness or stress arise. Playing with a pet, listening to happy music, hugging a friend or family member, or drinking a warm cup of tea


Learn from past experiences  what behavioral changes soothed feelings of anxiety


Focus on personal motivators, from health benefits to the simple progress of achieving a goal

DO (tips for distraction from current craving- self-care, rewarding)

1. Build a stress relief bag to distract/soothe your cravings (something to chew on, a fidget toy or stress ball or knitting materials, , picture of loved ones, notes from loved ones of encouragement 

2. Start a new hobby that you can do a few minutes at a time

3. Talk to a friend or loved one (text, call, video chat)

4. Go for a walk, bike ride, or drive and listen to your favorite music or podcast

5. Find a way to treat yourself 


DELAY (10 minute breaks to pass craving window- productive, task-oriented)

1. Walk around the floor or building if you’re at work—think of it as a non-smoking break.

2. When a craving hits, go to the restroom, wash your hands and check yourself in the mirror.

3. Go run errands in a place that doesn’t allow smoking

4. Purge emails, texts, old phone contacts, pictures, clothes, mail, etc.

5. Mediate -There are great apps to guide you


1. Research something ex: your dream vacation spot.

2. Volunteer in your community: Call a local organization and ask how you can help.

3. Rearrange your bookshelf or collections and write a wishlist of books you want to read and other things you want to add to your collection.