Substance over Substances


With less cannabis, there are more benefits:

  • Greater focus on tasks and maintain attention span 
  • Reduced anxiety, improved mood, lower depressive symptoms 
  • Improved memory & IQ
  • Better chances for positive overall life satisfaction, mental health, and well-being
  • Greater supportive relationships 
  • Increase in finances saved 
  • Lower levels of lung and heart stress 

Withdrawal Symptoms: What to Expect


  • Symptoms appear within one week after an individual stops cannabis use, peak within 10 days after discontinued use, and decline in severity over 10-20 days following  
  • Symptoms may include: 
    • Feelings of anger, irritability, aggressiveness 
    • Sensations of intense anxiety or nervousness 
    • Sleep disturbances, insomnia, or negative dreams and nightmares 
    • Appetite decrease and potential significant weight loss 
    • Restlessness 
    • Feelings of depression 
    • Distressing physical symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, chills, sweating, headache, and shakiness 

Looking for alternatives to cannabis?

New experiences can be their own rewards. The brain releases dopamine during novel experiences. Naturally, increase dopamine by seeking out new experiences.

    Try these

    • Time outdoors: Walks listening to music, podcasts, books on tape, or chatting with friends, pickup games, and after-school activities 
      • As little as 5 minutes outdoors can improve mood, increase motivation, and boost self-esteem 
      • The amount of time spent in sunlight correlates with serotonin and dopamine synthesis 
    • Meditation: increases the release of dopamine, can relieve stress, and create feelings of inner peace 
    • Gratitude: affects the brain’s reward system, correlating with the release of dopamine and serotonin. Gratitude is directly linked to increased happiness


      • Kava Kava 
          • A botanical substance that can induce relaxation, soothe anxiety, and relieve stress. Should not be used with regular alcohol consumption, due to possible increase in the risk of liver disease. 
      • Valerian root 
          • Herbal supplement used to treat insomnia and anxiety 
        • Ginger 
          • Herb used as a natural remedy to treat nausea and upset stomachs 
            • Tea, eaten raw, or ginger ale 
            • May have some interactions with blood thinners 
        •  Turmeric and black pepper 
          • Spices combined together to be taken as an herbal supplement and used as an anti-inflammatory agent 
      • Coneflower (Echinacea) 
          • Immune boosting plant, that alleviates arthritis, inflammation, migraines, and anxiety 
      • Acetaminophen & Zofran 
        • Over the counter pain relievers or anti-nausea medication to treat pain


    Additional resources and information: → Discusses the many benefits of quitting cannabis use, focuses more on immediate impacts → Offers a helpful self-help or do it yourself type guide for quitting and limiting cannabis use → 30 day self help guide for quitting cannabis use → Helpful video describing / taking a how to approach for quitting cannabis use either gradually or “cold turkey” → One’s positive personal experience when choosing to quit smoking weed for the month of “dry Janurary.” This was an eye opening experience for the individual and supported the idea that smoking limited much of their creativity. → I liked how this source acknowledges multiple sources of addiction, as well as focuses on ways to prepare and stop using cannabis. It also has resources that support an individual who is attempting to help an addict.