Spotlight: Brattleboro Area Youth Council is seeking new members (ages 11 to 21).
For more information and/or to apply:
The youth council advocates for their peers and collaborates with
community decision-makers to address the needs of youth.
Areas of focus of the council include:
healthy and safe living conditions
shared power in schools
Brattleboro community safety
youth resilience/wellbeing
career shadowing
We want to hear from you!
Click here to share your concerns and ideas with the Youth Council,

Alex Aither
Connor Noyes-Urffer
Grace Arms
James Chapman
Maeve Bald
BAPC Presents…
Brattleboro Area Youth Council
Brattleboro Area Youth Council advocates for their peers and collaborates with community decision-makers to address the needs of youth.

Home/Family Wellbeing
Healthy and Safe Living

Shared Power
Student Voice in Schools

Brattleboro Community Safety

Youth Resilience and Wellbeing

Career Shadowing
About Us
Brattleboro Area Youth Council advocates for their peers and collaborates with community decision-makers to address the needs of youth.
Oversseing Youth Council Energy
What we pay attention to grows…
…always shift to the positive
Focus on what we long for…
…our task is to cultivate solutions together
Each of us are potential...
…cultural, economic and environmental innovators.
The way we run our Council...
…is the way we want our State and Country to run